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Can you please release it on steam? I cant buy it from here but I love this series so much I'm willing to pay any price for it

sorry, i don't have any plans to release on steam at this time. 

Just want to say that I'd love to have this in my Steam library too! Will be an instant purchase from me if you ever release it there!

I highly recommend looking up ways to play non-steam games on steam. For DRM-free games, such as this, it is simple and fun to customize what art I choose for the launcher. It only gets complicated for games that need another launcher.

I played the first game a while back when I was struggling with some identity issues and I had such a cathartic experience. Seeing Haru talk about herself made me realize a lot of stuff about me. You can imagine how excited I was when I saw that there was a sequel to it. I played it, loved it and cried at the end. Such a lovely game! When I finally went to play the third game and then I saw that you made this collection, I knew I had to get it! I can't wait to see the ending to this series! Thank you for making such amazing games!!! Sorry for rambling I just really love these games! <3

don't apologise - i appreciate the rambling! thank you for this kind comment. i hope you enjoy the ending ๐Ÿ’œ

I have not played the games, but I am very excited about it. As a confused teenager, I am grateful for this kind of stories and games! Keep it up! <3

thank you ๐Ÿ’œ

I played the first game on steam about a week ago, and I'm so exited to try the other ones!

i hope you will enjoy! 

i haven't played this collection yet, but i have played each game individually. these are some of the most impactful and lovely queer experiences in games, and i cannot recommend them enough to everyone, queer or not.

thanks! i hope you will enjoy this remastered collection too ๐Ÿ’œ

everyone's outfits in the epilogue... <3

what a perfect series!!! i enjoyed it even more than the first time i played all of them. it was so nice reading them all in one go. GREAT WORK AS ALWAYS!!!! <333

thanks! i was hoping people would notice the outfits ๐Ÿ‘€ (i guess they aren't very subtle!)

These games are three of my favourite interactive fiction experiences and having them in a bundle like this with a bonus epilogue is fantastic! Thanks for making them and best of luck with all current/future projects~!

thank you for the kind comment! i hope you'll enjoy the games i make in the future too. 

So glad to be able to play this trilogy! I love it so much. And that epilogue <3


Recently I had played all of the 3 individual games, when I saw this my mind just WOW. I came a bit late and don't get the chance to claim a community copy of the game BUT I will without a doubt buy this as soon as I get the chance. I absolutely adore this series overall its a beautiful set of games. These are without a doubt my favorite games that I've ever played  without a doubt! I'm excited to eventually get the chance to play A Year of Springs! Tysm for making these 

thank you! i hope you'll enjoy them when you get the chance.

Thank you for making A Year of Springs, I played through it all last night and the happiness and serenity it left me feeling was so refreshing. It really did give me hope for a future where things are better. I'll be sure to check out your other games!

thank you! i'm really glad that's how you felt coming out of it. i hope you enjoy the other games too.

I just discovered this and I love it so much! Just wondering what the conditions are for unlocking the epilogue? A bunch of the options in spring leaves no flowers are crossed out, it's stopping me from getting some endings and I was wondering if that's related?

(slightly spoilery, don't read if you don't want to know!) have you tried selecting the options that are crossed out?

(1 edit)

I have, it feels like I've tried every combination of options and can only get the first 5 endings, but maybe I missed some. I'll try again tomorrow when i get time.

I figured it out! This collection is so amazing.

these games make me so happy in a way I'm struggling to describe... I've never related to a character harder than I have Haru........ plus the art style is the most adorable thing I've ever seen.......................

this is such a sweet comment, thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

I adore these three games so much, they are so sweet and heartfelt and filled with kindness in an unkind world. Thank you for making them - I can't wait to see the epilogue!

i really like how the epilogue turned out so i hope you will too ๐Ÿ’œ

I loved all three games, and I love your philosophy of "free" games.

It was a no brainer for me to buy this game and support you.

Thank you!

You're amazing :D

thank you, you are amazing too!

I love the Springs games so much, I will definitely be picking up a copy of this when I have the money! Thank you so much for making these wonderful games <3

thank you! i hope you will enjoy it

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