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I truly like this game. I loved the first part of the game for sure. The ending was very mysterious, I did not get to know what happened to her friend. Also my game crashed when I tried to quit. 

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There's 4 endings. The one where she kind of just gets upset and stops responding is when you push her too much the entire time. For the rest the two girls at least manage to upload the game together.

I can't play because my antivirus keeps closing the game :(((

That happened to me as well. My antivirus program did not close the game on me though. You should be able to your antivirus and choose something there, like add it to a list or something of programs who are allowed to run. This should allow your game to run.

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Genuinely a perfect game. I super love the sweetness on display in the better endings, and every struggle shown is just, really human and relatable...

The dialogue at the end of each of the good endings is so fricking good too like holy moly... It's perfect!!!!!!!! And the game not having a soundtrack is a perfect decision, too. Like... it's a story about doing your best, but understanding that your best doesn't have to be amazing or anything like that. The important thing is that you did your best. And whether your best is a certain caliber one day and much less the next, or whether your best is limited in one way or another, it's... your best, and that's what makes it valuable. Maybe that's a little rambly, but I just really appreciate messages like "What you're able to do is valuable, no matter how much it is", although maybe that's projecting a little, pff

So, thank you for this game!!! It's a really wonderful experience...

so sweet and relatable

so cute! I liked it so much <3

super duper cute and fun! I feel like I can relate to both Shiro and Ella a ton, your characters are always so charming and convey a lot of relatable everyday traits and habits I don't see very often in other games/shows/stories/whatever

i downloaded the game, but when i try to run it, it says 'windows protected your pc" when i got this message i wasn't sure what to do after. Is it okay for me to run it? I'm on pc btw

and i rlly wanna play this game 2 ;v;

hi yes it is safe, it is like that for other games, I've downloaded tons of game from this website and some does say that, but its fine you wont get any viruses ^^

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i only got the ending "first song" and "untitled" any hints for the others?

edit i just got ending 4! i believe its ending 1 thats left??

this was so cute omg, i didnt even notice time pass by bc i was so focused on the story. the art is so cute and i love them both smmm<33

azuki and flana letter of challenge by npckc

oml yes~~

"we wanted an high school au, but instead we got a letter of challange"

/silly /hj

This game is amazing! Ella has a similar personality type as me!!! i have autism so its hard for me to talk in person ;-; Me and my little cousin love this game so she made the characters in gacha club!!!

here is the other one!!!

I really love how simplistic and wholesome this game is.  It really brightens day when I play one of your games, can't wait to play whatever you make next! <3

The fact that I got the fourth ending just by thinking "hey, what would I want my friends to do when I'm in this situation?" surprises me. I'm not sure if the 4th one is the best one but I genuinely love how it just flows, especially since Shiro reminds me of myself a lot

Seriously, your games never fail to impress me :D This one just seems so wholesome

넘모 귀엽자너...

This was a fantastic game! Highly recommend people to play it. If not, we play all of it with a single ending only. We've been a fan of npckc for a long time and played most of her game. Always looking forward to them.

Amazing and well written story!

This story is so cute and heart warming! :)

this game really motivates me to work on my own visual novel! it was very sweet :)

Yes, it does that to me as well! :D

very good, needs sound 9/10

Aww that's so cute! I wonder if you could consider patching in a skip button? It makes it a bit annoying for replays. Still really enjoyed it though!

This was a super cute and wholesome game. I enjoyed it!

i can confidently say that this game is pure wholesome content

expected 'bad ending', got 'good ending'

so cute

Deleted post

it took me a min, but i realized why the options menu looked so familiar! its the same template from doki doki literature club lol

Both games are made in python using the RenPy library. Very popular, very malleable and very widely used!

omg thats actuallhy rly cool :0

i love this game so much,,,,,,it was so cute and i rlly love the characters theyre so real and lovely

I loved this game so much!! Shiro was just sooo cute that I felt so bad trying to put any pressure on her!

sameee shdghsgd

(1 edit)

Spoilers maybe? Having a lot of trouble getting ending 1, but when I do I will post how to get it, but for those having trouble with another, heres an almost useful guide that was more for me. It contains one word from each choice I made. played about 7 times so far, will do a few more to get the other ending. EDIT: after a couple more tries, got it

Ending 1

Ending 2

Ending 3

Ending 4


Thank you so much!

Thanks you!

I was only able to get endings 2 and 3, do you have hints for how to get the other 2?

1: put more pressure on shiro to finish things

4: spend more time with shiro when you can & don't stress her out too much

good luck (:

;__; i dont mean to be a nuisance but i cant get ending 1 either!!! ive tried like, everything... is there any more hints you can give?

try choosing the answers that would stress shiro out

I've been having trouble getting ending 1. I've tried everything to add more pressure but I just keep getting ending 2 again, or sometimes 3. 

If I'm not getting mixed up I think the answer is to be actually helpful /supporting until basically the end where you tell her to keep trying instead of getting open source art.

I think that wasn't the first ending.

(1 edit)

I commented to someone bellow in this chain how I think I got it if I'm not getting mixed up.

I commented to someone bellow in this chain how I think I got route 1 if I'm not getting mixed up.

Phew! Finally finished all four endings... I liked the game a lot! It was kinda short and simple, and I missed a bit of music, but I had fun through the entire game! Shiro was a very interesting character for me, and it took me a few attempts to finally figure out what kind of push she exactly needed to finally finish her art! All in all, very cute and fun, and I definitely recommend playing it through!

PS: Azuki/Flan is best couple ever 10/10

Well... It's really nice... Interesting story about hard life of Indie games developer working on jam. :) Characters are specific and interesting. Plot is nice. :D 


Omg I just finished playing this and it was so cute and good!!!

kc this is really cute and sweet QQ 

shiro is so good... i want to offer shiro a hug and also not hug her if that would make her uncomfortable

(ella is also good but i have a soft spot for people who have trouble talking ahh solidarity)

This was SUCH a good and adorable game!!

This is probably my favorite visual novel game that I played. I made a video and kinda talk about why throughout it at different parts but I'll try to explain it in words here. This game reminds me a lot of anime like Shirobako or New Game! It's a visual novel game about making visual novel games. I absolutely love stories like that. Like films about films or tv shows about tv shows, etc. There's something really appealing to me about watching a literal game developer talk about developing games in a video game. The game takes a much more light-hearted tone towards the reality of developing for a game jam or even developing a game with someone else. But this game also has serious moments where you really feel like the developer is just straight up telling you a personal story that they might have actually gone through using the characters of their game to tell those stories. It's a self-aware script and I really apperciate that. I realize that may not be to everyone's taste but it's absolutely fascinating to me. If that sounds like it's up your alley, play this game! There's a lot to love. 

There are some places where the game can be  improved. For example, there's no music, which isn't the worst offense in the world, but it would have been nice to listen to something! (I added my own music to my video, that's not the actual soundtrack of the game) I also felt that compared to Magical Witch Bell, (another game by the same dev) I think the art of backgrounds and character designs could have used a little more time. Art is a subjective thing so, I'm probably just nit picking. There's also some grammar that could be improved, but it wasn't to the point where I was pulling my hair out. It was overall very well written.

Anyway, tldr: This game was awesome! Great job and keep up the great work!

I enjoy VN's a lot! I think this game takes away from some things though. Like there isn't one choice to be made in the longest time. Feels like you are sitting reading and, reading with no interaction which can make the player not want to continue. Also no music is nice in theory but, many don't like to add their own as, I didn't feel like trying to add any of my own.

super good! super fun!! i love it!!!

your games give me MANY FEELINGS and this is completely IN LINE WITH THAT!!! also your sense of humor and comedic timing is magnificent

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